Sunday, April 1, 2007

Black And White Damask Paper


No 4 - April 2007

tel. Association: 02.45475777


The 19th April, in the event organized by ANCI RisorseComuni Lombardi held the conference "Small towns, big school." The appointment is at 14.30 in Milan, in Corso Magenta 61, at the Palazzo delle Stelline.

The enhancement of the local population of a smaller size also passes through initiatives to promote the traditions, habits, activities that characterize a region and define its specificity. And what better vehicle of the school can provide the memory and transmit values \u200b\u200bto younger generations? Picking up the proposal of the Minister of Education and Legambiente, ANCI has promoted the establishment of a regional coordination for the implementation of the project "Small town, great school," which promote respect for local culture and promote initiatives on , starting from the territories and the activities conducted in schools in small towns, especially in the mountains.


- Giuliana Pupazzoni - Ufficino Integration Policy Directorate Training - Regional Education

  • Louis Livio Ruffinoni - President Uncem Lombardia

  • Andrea Trisoglio - Legambiente Lombardia

  • Chair: Mauro Guerra - Department Chairman small municipalities and unions of ANCI Lombardia


Thursday, March 22 has been presented" ECOSYSTEM SCHOOL 2007 "annual report on construction and education services delivered by Legambiente. And 'Lawn of the Italian city with the best schools in terms of security of buildings and the quality of services offered to students. Here you can download the file national .

General situation.

In general, the real estate of Italian schools is old: 54% of the buildings was built before 1974 (the year in which the law has defined the criteria for earthquake resistant buildings), over a third in urgent need of major repairs, 66% do not have the certificate of fire prevention and 38% have the practicability of static. This means that more than 50% of the schools is at risk. Because compounded by the fact that in recent years there have been no significant changes on their exposure to sources of pollution of schools, is caused by environmental context.

The appropriation in the budget of 250 million euro for the next three years, is a major innovation. As well as the "covenant of security" expected between State, Regions and Local Authorities. From now on, schools also have incentives and tax breaks for the installation of photovoltaic systems.

Among the problem areas is a dangerous drop in attention compared to the asbestos problem and there is no legislation to measure the presence of radon gas, radioactive concerogeno obligation.

The 7 steps to a "school capable of a future."

The report highlights a situation of extreme criticism for most of the Italian schools, but also offers seven possible action to transform structures actually really friendly:

1) use of renewable energy renewable installation of solar thermal, solar photovoltaic installation, purchase of green energy.

2. energy efficiency u SING condensing boilers or central micro; installing thermostatic valves on radiators; use of fluorescent lamps, installation of insulation gaskets around the windows and shutters of the caisson; use in canteens, household appliances old with those of grade A; establishment of systems of artificial lights off when ambient light is sufficient unused or area, planting deciduous trees in the garden and around the perimeter the school to help the summer shade; use colors on the walls and panels that help the reflection of natural and artificial light.

3. Saving Resources : successful separation of waste re-use of recycled materials for the activities (eg recycled paper, toner and cartridges for printers and photocopiers, etc.). Reducers flow / air mixture in the faucets, drains differentiated ( double buttons) for toilets, collection of rainwater from the roof of the buildings to be used for internal purposes (toilet, irrigation for any green space, etc...)

4. Appliances and Materials (construction and maintenance): thermal insulation to the outside and inside noise, use of toxic materials, no noxious emissions and toxic substances (formaldehyde, PVC, volatiles from paints, natural radioactivity, etc..), use of aseptic material, resistant to mold, especially for structures, finishes, Plumbing and air conditioning systems, promote health and breathability of structures, partitions, roofs (ie roofs ventilated attics or crawl spaces ventilated, drainage, etc.). Use of materials natural cure customization, the efficacy and safety of the furniture.

5. Security : performance of safety standards set by the 626; certification of viability static certification hygiene - health care.

6. environmental safety and quality: care of the interior, more personalized and, if possible, inspired by the criteria of bio-architecture, monitoring of air quality in the area surrounding the school, prevention of noise pollution in the surrounding area ; removal of asbestos, or at least made safe; multiplication of green around and inside the school, ensuring the presence of at least 50% permeable surface (even if the available areas are used as parking lots) and trees tall at least every 30 square meters spread of organic food in the cafeteria, away from source of pollution, eliminating or reducing the use of detergents with volatile chemicals and replacing them with detergent irritant and toxic substances toxic

7 . Organization: appointment of a energy manager, the organization of schools in the network to obtain the optimal scale for achieving the above actions, including using the status of foundations, involvement of students and families to promote good behavior in and out of school, especially with respect to energy saving and resource-use of school facilities, outside the timetable of classes for the needs of the area, the inclusion in the curriculum of courses and activities that develop awareness and participation with respect to the challenges of sustainability and the practical improvement of the conditions of their building.

Below is presented the situation Lombard


Students who plant flowers in the courtyards of their school and whitening their classrooms, teachers that show how to make a garden, parents are in class for a day with their children and help them to create a place atmosphere. E '" Forget-me - Operation Clean Schools" the national day of voluntary service organized by Legambiente in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, now in its ninth edition.
"Nontiscordardimè" is the most great day of volunteering dedicated to the quality, livability and safety of school buildings. - explains Damiano Di Simi it, president Legambiente Lombardia -. Schools are a key area of \u200b\u200blife and work, but often are like sieves energy and suffer from the proximity of sources of noise and air pollution. The participation of families to quality education is important, but we do ask the institutions to do their part to ensure safety and environmental quality not only inside the school .

pictures, numbers, curiosity here you can download the report of the initiative Lombard (pdf).




Saturday April 14 will hold a meeting of provincial coordination extended to all clubs and CEA projects that achieve environmental education in schools .

During the meeting we will discuss the role of the Regional School in relation to territorial circles and set closer cooperation. The appointment is at Via Vida 7 at 10.00. And 'welcome confirmation of your presence.



Spring is coming, come back "100 streets to play " , let us not be caught ... us, with the seminar on traditional games, are preparing to re-appropriating public space ... with the game.

will be a time for training and fun, not theoretical but very practical, resume, and together we will build the games in "endangered" (35 classic games will be replicated).


9.30 Registration of participants

10.00 Presentation of Legambiente and campaigns aimed at children

11.00 green spaces to retrieve public meeting places, game for children, away from traffic noise and city

12.30 lunch with healthy foods and biological

13.30 build games and have fun to try

16.00 Let's enjoy a break with the tasting of different types of tea

17.30 Conclusion and greetings


Trisoglio Andrew, Head Training School Legambiente Lombardia

Franco Beccari, Legambiente Milan

Royal George, and Giocologo Designer green space suitable for games with no "fixed structures" and founder of the game forgot

The course, organized in collaboration with Legambiente Crescenzago Ciessevi (Centre for Voluntary Service), is addressed to all those who have "Pleasure" to work with children in schools, clubs, neighborhoods in the speakers, in ospadali ...

's appointment is April 14 from 9.30 to 17.30 at the new headquarters in Via Mercadante Legambiente Lombardia in Milan 4.

Participation in the course is free. And 'welcome confirmation of your presence.

For info: Silvia Savaré (3476864342) and Legambiente Lombardia (tel. 0245475777)



The need for space and aggregation of children in urban areas continues to not find credible answers. On the participation to the city on a man and child, and above all fewer cars circulating, our flagship initiative will once again 100 Ways to Play . Chance to renew our case for cleaner cities, free and living, for the most attended and safe neighborhoods. For the thirteenth year of our proposals for a better world will find asylum in the streets throughout Italy closed to traffic.

Since 1994, thousands of streets and squares throughout Italy with 100 Ways to Play have breathed better, even for a day. But the most important thing is that today there are many pedestrians. The April 15, then, streets and squares, closed to traffic throughout the peninsula to become a place of play, will provide a concrete answer once again against all the pollution.

100 Ways to Play this year will be one of Day events student welfare, an initiative of the Ministry of Education wants to indicate that lifestyle more sustainable and respectful of human health and the environment as a reason to involve the schools. 100 Ways to Play will own the patronage of the Ministry of Education as well as that of ANCI and UPI.

also propose to name every street of 100 Ways to Play Carlo Pagliarini - Friend of Children one of the first to theorize in Italy after the war the association of young and fighting for their rights. With this welcome the proposed initiative Arciragazzi to really dedicate a road to its founder, Charles Pagliarini precisely.

for the initiative will be available brochures / posters and copies of JEY and, for those who want the kit bazaar "100 Ways to Play." In every 100 Ways to Play comes with a can of Eco Toys, buildings in corn, in collaboration with Novamont .

For more information or to join please visit the national site:



"Imagine to submit to a friend your town or city in which the district is the school you attend. This friend was your age, it is very curious, love nature, good food (local products) and the old stories. We really enjoy it when he sees the work farmers or artisans, or when he meets someone who tells the story of a monument, a palace, a church, a park, a river or a stream, a garden ... One last thing: that your friend is always on the go (I told you that it is a curious type!) And asks you to submit to your local computer or your neighborhood, with text, photographs, films, drawings .. . .

This is the guide to follow for schools wishing to participate in the competition "Meet my town / my neighborhood that Legambiente Lombardia organized in collaboration with the Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lombardia.

The competition classes of small towns or cities involved in the project " Schools adopt a common "in the school year 2006-2007. The schools participating in the competition will receive a voucher to spend on educational materials or educational tours. The total prize money of € 6000.00 is made available by the Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lombardia. Entries must be sent by e-mail or CD to Legambiente Lombardia by April 30, 2007. These works will be posted on the site .

Here you can learn more about the project "The School adopts a municipality - a municipality adopts Lombard" .

have now sent the papers to:

- Scuola Media Dante Alighieri "Albizzate (VA)



Dear Andrea and Silvia,

I send the" book "prepared by to address social class 2D Isis Pollini Mortara (Agricultural). This work is the result of a "creative workshop" held by me with the kids and their teachers to stimulate their manual skills in making simple creations with recycled materials and natural, to be proposed in their future activities.

It 'been a very rewarding both for me and for the boys. The work has been presented to school officials, who expressed great appreciation for the achievements that the enthusiasm shown by the boys.

view of the circular of the Ministry of Education of 02/15/2007 in which it is proposed as a path: "I recycle! Music, Art and Theatre: recycling does show "I thought our experience could provide interesting insights to offer in schools.

I offer cordial greetings

Graziella Toia - President Lomellino circle "The Hummingbird"

Dear Legambiente Lombardia,

with feelings of heartfelt joy, I wish to thank all those who contributed to the project "Together for a more beautiful Tiepolo": students, parents, friends of the Educació, executives of the AMS, Legambiente .

The boys have been involved, along with the adults for two days they worked side by side, a great educational experience at the end of which our school environment appeared renewed, restored, splendid in his new and elegant beauty.

At a time when the Italian school arrived worrying signs of malaise (bullying, violence, vulgarity and degradation) its readiness to contribute to the renovation of a public school and the constructive efforts made by teenagers and adults are a virtuoso signal, a road is made a sign of hope for the improvement of our civil society.

It is no coincidence that the major media have all shown a keen interest in what happened to Tiepolo: newspapers, regional television, Rai Tre in fact they wanted to record the choral tone of civic education which were Our protagonists are so many guys started the path of good citizens (...).

Vincent Cutolo - Headmaster of SMS £ GB Tiepolo "in Milan



Collect the best practices of education carried out by members and trainers Legambiente circles. Collect them to network and make them known. Collect them and then draw inspiration for projects that will be made in the future. Collect, finally, to report, within the association, competent people to turn to. From this need arises archive of best practices, one of the goals it has given the Field School and Training Legambiente Lombardia. You can send the good practices or to guide them: @ scuola.lombardia , or at Legambiente Lombardia, via Vida 7, 20127 Milano (to the attention of the Sector Education and School).


- Waste:

" The unbearable weight of waste " aimed at primary schools. Text created by Legambiente Lombardia in collaboration with the Municipality of Milan and AMSA. (2007)

" The Unbearable Weight of waste " for schools secondary schools. Text created by Legambiente Lombardia in collaboration with city government and AMSA. (2007)

" Waste: a treasure in the bin " - trail to the schools of the Province of Varese, CD ROM edited by Legambiente and the Province of Varese.

" Create ... recycling! " - creative workshop using natural materials recycling - by the Circle and The Colibri Legambiente Lomellina class 2D ISIS Pollini of death - as

2006/2007 - Water:

" Mineral Water : It seriously affects the climate and portfolio dossier by Legambiente Lombardia (2007)

- Kyoto and climate change:

" Climate and poverty " pantry organized and carried out by Dr. Sergio Luoni CREA for the Province of Varese with the help of the documentation Legambiente (2006)

" Sustainable mobility and traffic " pantry organized and carried out by Dr. Stefano Marcora for CREA of the Province of Varese with the support of: Work in progress, Nature Trail on mobility and traffic, Legambiente (2006)

" Happy Birthday Kyoto presentation made by the Department of School Education and Legambiente Lombardia at some schools of Peschiera Borromeo (2007).

- Places and Landscapes:

" Herbs and flower beds " pantry organized and carried out by Dr. Stefano Marcora for CREA of the Province of Varese with the help of the documentation Legambiente (2006)

" The river Olona: the nature and history " pantry organized and carried out by Dr. Alessandro Mazzucco and dr. Valentina Minazzi ssa. Contributions by: dr. Alessandroni Madron, Dr Arianna Castiglioni, arch. Alberto Minazzi.

"The woods behind the school pantry organized and implemented by dr. Sergio Luoni CREA for the Province of Varese.

- eco-monsters:

"eco-monsters - The illegal building in Italy" presentation for high school, by dr. Sergio Reedy, National Coordinator of the Legal Action Centers of Legambiente (2007)

- School in Lombardy:

" The school situation in small towns Lombardi by Legambiente Lombardia (2006)

" child Ecosystem 2007" ( can download it here ) By Legambiente.

" school Ecosystem 2007" ( can download it here) by Legambiente.

" As children go to school in Milan" ( here you can download the survey ) by Legambiente Legambiente Milan and Lombardy.

We expect your contributions!



The newsletter of the School and Training Sector Environment League of Lombardy, from January 2007, are archived on this page .



Established in 2000 the 'Association Legambiente and Training School, which qualified entity recognized by the MIUR for the training of school staff, wants to enhance an association between education professionals to help improve the school and the country, assuming that the school has a central role in forming an identity and a culture of personal and collective. In addition, the school can act to promote the quality of the territory in a dynamic relationship and dialectic with other social subjects. Legambiente Training School and wants to be a place for meeting, gathering, reflection and exchange of experience and therefore offers its members training in the presence and distance learning, professional and epistemological research, partnerships with other realities, opportunities of political and cultural debate, advice for the construction of national and international educational projects, teaching and information. Become a member of Legambiente and Training School is the best way to contribute to the cultural growth of the area and upgrading of schools. You become a member of Legambiente and Training School with the contribution of 35 €

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  • The magazine The New Ecology (11 issues)

  • Periodic Training Environment (4 issues)

  • The e-newsletter Legambiente School News

  • The Handbook Legambiente The membership card and adhesive Legambiente

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