of Legambiente Lombardia ONLUS
No 17 - May 2008
tel. Association: 02.87386480
blog: http://legambientelombardiaeducazione.blogspot.com/
time of change for the Italian school system: a new government and a new minister.
In this context we are continuing to work with serenity To prepare for the next school year. Legambiente Lombardia will aim is to understand proposals that are individual clubs in schools. We know that locally it works a lot, you realize innovative projects, create lasting bonds ... Too often, however, good practice, so laboriously designed, are not adequately valued in Legambiente. E 'difficile (there we are already told Congress autumn) to share experiences and projects. In this limit, Legambiente Lombardia wants to remedy through more careful monitoring of the clubs and the networking of good practice.
to mention the clubs of the province of Pavia has had great success "A hundred ways to play" and much interest is having the energy plan being promoted by some schools in Mortara. Furthermore, in collaboration with Unicef \u200b\u200bItaly, realized (Saturday, May 10) a major conference on childhood ("Future city, future citizens").
I invite you to visit often
will find news from the clubs, indication of conferences and training courses, teaching strategies, and reflections on environmental education, news news reports from the school ... and much more. Visit it to realize it!
We are currently working on:
ADOPT A SCHOOL-TOWN TAKES A COMMON LOMBARDO: We have responded to an invitation to propose a Cariplo evolution of the project. Small municipalities participating in abundance as they exceeded the number of 50. In these days, when to love Italy, the Middle School Albizzate (VA) is hosted by the City of Varzi (PV), while in Valsassina remain for three days the children of School of Phrygia via Milan. With this project we propose to primary and secondary schools to choose education as a destination of the trip a small town in Lombardy. You can learn more about the initiative by going to the site http://adottauncomunelombardo.ilcannocchiale.it
CUSTODIANS OF THE LAND: we are having a lot of satisfaction from this project. So far we have done training on the themes "Energy", "waste" and "water". There are still two meetings training (on "land use" and "biodiversity"). Once this phase of training, the clubs that have joined the project taking action on its territory. Soon all the material used for the training will be online. On this aspect of training we would like to work hard during the next school year we have seen that, despite the times, the courses that we are being followed with great participation ... obvious sign of a need associated!
SCHOOL BUILDING: in April we carried out in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano a conference on building schools ("Schools are capable of future") that allowed us to reflect on the situation of building schools, especially in light of the dismaying that data collection and dissemination of Legambiente Ecosystem school 2008. " From that conference had three working groups, one of which is managed by Legambiente (architect Giampaolo Artois). In May, the theme of school will be discussed again by Legambiente Lombardy during a panel discussion to be held in Brescia.
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