of Legambiente Lombardia ONLUS
No 15 - March 2008
tel. Association: 02.87386480
blog: http://legambientelombardiaeducazione.blogspot.com/
Sunday, April 6 back "100 Ways to Play " , the spring day to reiterate that children and young people have their rights as citizens for the safety of roads and streets, air quality Rediscovering the street as a meeting place between different generations and cultures. For those wishing to join the initiative: the attached registration form by fax to - Legambiente Boys at 06-86268351 or email ragazzi@legambiente.eu not later than the March 15 .
Here you can download the card for membership.
To request information Legambiente Lombardia: tel. 02 87386480 or o.oliva @ legambiente.org
The territory is place of contradictions and conflicts , but also of sharing and participation. E 'in the territory, in fact, that threatens to unravel the relationship of trust between people, making it uncertain and distrustful relationship with the neighbor.
But the territory is also the place of the new . E 'in the territory that the work, social relations, environmental quality, participation is measured with the challenges of our time.
is the place of selfishness and aggression to the environment, but also care and social cohesion against individualism. The territory is now also the site of the protagonist against the backdrop of globalization, local development, identity, the drift of the premises, the possible roots of volunteering as an expression of a new type of political commitment.
An area so it is not reducible to the reading of the environmental indicators or the quality of services or settlements. It 'a body that produces culture or impoverished. In the area expressed the connective tissue of a community and an environment. In short, the common ground, create learning provides information, change attitudes and behaviors changed as well, of course, from the politics. The area educates. Or inappropriate .
The cultural quality is therefore not given automatically by the level of qualifications (although this may be an index), but the network of expertise, facilities and services which people access and level of use of this network, to continue to learn. You need to rebuild ambient intelligence networks of knowledge and skills that allow an adequate quality of life.
This seems to be the challenge for the immediate future, the collection also document the national congress of Legambiente non-profit organization: to build more cultivated areas.
here to play the role of schools, education and knowledge. The school must be able to "tell" the territory of what education is something harmful. Serves, the school is not left alone. You first need to relaunch the challenge of education for adults, but not all. Serve regional educational centers (CEA, regional workshops, etc.)., libraries, museums, theaters, movies, conferences, internet point, networks, such as opportunities for social and cultural make real participatory processes.
From here, the challenge Legambiente will do to local communities, from school.
Here are some activities that the area of \u200b\u200bEducation is proposing Legambiente Lombardia in schools.
is the title of the environmental education project sponsored by the Friends of Woods and bunting from the Legambiente boat Pavia. The initiative will involve 90 elementary and middle school classes of the towns of Stratford, Cassolnovo and Pavia in a process of awareness on the abuse of plastic bags. The boys, after attending an exhibition on the problem of production and disposal of the envelopes, will try to build some alternatives: will decorate cloth bags to buy useful household. Everyone will have a custom bag! For info: Joan Vanelli legambientepavia@libero.it - assamiciboschi@libero.it
Legambiente Lombardia is pleased to invite you and your students to visit the Center of the Storks Venara Cascina, near Pavia. You will be able to participate in environmental education and spend some 'time out in an extraordinary age-old wood and under the curious gaze of the storks. Here you can download the list of proposed courses ( pdf format).
The invitation is addressed to:
- for kindergarten
primary schools - secondary schools can
- secondary school degree
For info: Dr. Valeria Orlandi - cell. 338.6320830 or send an e-mail to scuola.lombardia @ legambiente.org
UNBEARABLE The weight of waste
Through a classical lecture we will discuss the environmental aspects and economic waste problem starting from the knowledge of each student. It is better to define the meaning of the words: Reuse and Recycling. Will be discussed and analyzed traditional means of disposal the most modern methods to "revive" the waste. Finally, to realize how precious material ends up in the trash you can simulate a "typical situation" (return from the shopping center, the fruit and vegetable market, etc ...) where students interpret their own staging sort of "advertisement" in favor of recycling.
Intervention classes aimed at primary and secondary schools. Length of lesson: approximately 2 hours.
For info: a.trisoglio @ legambiente.org
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School Web Environment is a project aimed at secondary school classes of grades.
The Consortium of Used Oils (COOU) and Legambiente is to provide classes in secondary schools of first instance of a website. The goal is to provide a tool for teachers and students, modern and effective, to give visibility to projects on environmental issues such as the relationship between engine and the environment and the life cycle of materials. By joining the "School Web Environment each class will have its own custom web pages. The site will also be a useful tool to investigate some tematche using educational strategies focused on the use of new technologies. A unique opportunity to motivate the kids, feed their curiosity and excitement of learning by doing , the learning by doing.
For information and subscriptions:
Legambiente School and Education
Tel 06-86268373
scuola.formazione @ mail.legambiente.com
The lesson is aimed at elementary school children. The overall objective is to help children to read and interpret the complexity of where they live, through a conceptual reorganization. In particular, the lesson is to:
a) make children more aware of where they live, its merits and its defects;
b) giving children some pictures and any ideas to express pros and cons of where they live;
c) give children some ideas to imagine a city suitable for children
d) set the stage for a speech class on the reality that is around
" of you know Harry Potter?". A forest of raised hands waving in the classroom. Desire to explain that they have seen the movie, read the books (or if the facts are read by parents or siblings), they even have a video game of Harry Potter, someone's glasses as he or other gadgets. We broke the ice. Harry Potter allows me to Crerar few minutes in a doorway. It 'nice to have books in common, it helps to understand each other!
I used Harry Potter the same way in which Perseus used the shield to kill Medusa. The myth says that no one could look directly into the eyes of Medusa without being turned to stone, but without looking at how to kill her in the eye? The wily Perseus had a brilliant idea (simple solutions are always brilliant!) Took the shield that Athena had given him and, looking at the reflected image of Medusa on the shield, he kills. Harry Potter was for me the shield is hard in two hours I managed to speak to the complexity of the world around children with a direct approach to the topic.
For info: a.trisoglio @ legambiente.org
interactive environmental education proposals aimed at schools according to first grade: The VIDEO L-ENVIRONMENTAL VOCABULARY
Largo creativity of the boys! Express their environmental knowledge through the Web and L 'AUDIOVISUAL, with the creation of short films that we plan to topic spread beyond the school systems, through festivals, screenings, web TV, Television, etc..
WORDS FOR THE WORLD is an innovative project born from the Legambiente Lombardia Onlus with the production company Lux Film (production house specializing exclusively in the development of content related to environmental issues). It starts with some key words of environmentalism (eg, water, energy, tree, sun, sea, wind, life, life cycle etc.) Sticks around them and the creativity of children, who espirmerenna through modern media.
Legambiente Lombard Onlus will provide students the training in the environmental and Film Lux will provide knowledge in the audio visual also making available new blog / forum dedicated to your portal, to allow the continued creation of content on line.
For info: a.trisoglio @ legambiente.org
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The children of elementary and middle schools are introduced into the complex world of water through a mixed route (previously agreed with him or her teachers) created by PowerPoint slides and small experiments. The topics, as mentioned, can vary and be detailed as needed. Legambiente proposes at the end of the reflections of environmental importance of working together to save water with tips and games.
possible topics: Presentation of water; Water and life, water cycle, water resource limited forms of water, polluted water, purified water, water craft, water and energy, water furious, tap water / bottled water; Best practices for water
The explanations are interspersed with small experiments (natural filter, acid rain, as it produces electricity, etc ...)
For info: l.baio @ legambiente.org
The meeting that was held last September in at the Regional Congress of Legambiente School and Training has not gone in vain. He left us with many ideas that we seek to achieve: the need for shared training, creation of a think-regional environmental education ... and so on. A first tool for those making more immediate Legambiente in dealing with these issues is a blog ... What is a blog? It 's a place where in addition to read what we publish, you can publish your ideas. Want to try? Go to http://legambientelombardiaeducazione.blogspot.com/
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