of Legambiente Lombardia ONLUS
n . 12 - December 2007
tel. Association: 02.87386480
Here are some activities that the area of \u200b\u200bEducation is proposing Legambiente Lombardia in schools.
Kuni and harmony of nature - an experience of emotion, poetry and symbols to convey to children the value of natural resources
"Kuni and harmony of nature "is the title of a theatrical experience consists of a show and a workshop with the aim of raising awareness among primary school children on the big issues of consumer awareness of natural resources and the right of all peoples of the world to enjoy . The show starring Kuni, a child of the Neolithic Age, and his village in the middle of a lush forest where men exploiting and wasting natural resources as if they were only "them". When the village is hit by a terrible famine little Kuni, thanks to a fantastic journey of initiation, will be the only one able to bring back the spirits of nature by his people, thus restoring harmony and balance between man and the natural environment.
The game play will involve children directly in the action stage: for small / actors are in fact delivered simple musical instruments, whose sound is reminiscent of water, wind, earth, animals (all the entries of nature). Through the use of these tools, children can Kuni accompanied in his adventure and sensual experience that will involve them deeply, making them feel on an emotional level and not only learning the value of preservation and sharing of resources.
The workshop is conducted following the show will allow children to discover, through simple simulations of common situations in everyday life (use of potable water, electricity, transport, waste production, reuse of materials etc .) what behaviors can be adopted for a specific consumer awareness and sustainable use of natural resources. Finally, you will be given to each class the "Ten Commandments of Kuni" (Ten rules for daily conduct environmentally friendly) along with some food for thought that the teachers will develop later in the lessons.
Four R - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Waste -
ideas competition for school students to address artistic and design of Lombardy. (2007-2009)
The Art School "Caravaggio" in Milan, in collaboration with Legambiente Lombardia School and Education, is organizing a design competition for students of art schools and art schools of the Lombardy Region, which has as its object the creation of works of visual art, design projects and graphic files, or documented environmental situations, representing an original and creative from its ecological and constitute examples can raise awareness of the environment, energy conservation, in particular, referring to the issue of reducing and recycling waste.
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For further information on how to participate, you can contact the Competition Secretary: e-mail: mcavallo@liceocaravaggio.com , or directly to the curator, Professor Margaret Cavallo: tel. 328.48.34.092. The final notice will be sent to all schools and who will request it through the above mentioned references.
The lesson is aimed at elementary school children. The overall objective is to help children to read and interpret the complexity of where they live, through a conceptual reorganization.
In particular, the lesson is to:
a) make children more aware of where they live, its merits and its defects;
b) giving children some pictures and some ideas to express pros and cons of the place where live;
c) give children some ideas to imagine a city suitable for children
d) to lay the foundations for a class action on the reality that around her
" of you know Harry Potter?". A forest of raised hands waving in the classroom. Desire to explain that they have seen the movie, read the books (or if the facts are read by parents or siblings), they even have a video game of Harry Potter, someone's glasses as he or other gadgets. We broke the ice. Harry Potter allows me to Crerar few minutes in a doorway. It 'nice to have books in common, it helps to understand each other!
I used Harry Potter the same way in which Perseus used the shield to kill the Medusa. The myth says that no one could look directly into the eyes of Medusa without being turned to stone, but without looking at how to kill her in the eye? The wily Perseus had a brilliant idea (simple solutions are always brilliant!) Took the shield that Athena had given him and, looking at the reflected image of Medusa on the shield, he kills. Harry Potter was for me as a shield, it is hard to two hours I managed to speak to the complexity of the world around children with a direct approach to the topic.
For info: @ a.trisoglio legambiente.org
The meeting that was held last September at the Regional Congress of Legambiente School and Training has not gone in vain. He left us with many ideas that we try to achieve: need for shared training, creation of a think-regional environmental education ... and so on. A first tool for those making more immediate Legambiente in dealing with these issues is a blog ... What is a blog? It 's a place where in addition to read what we publish, you can publish your ideas. Want to try? Go to http://legambientelombardiaeducazione.blogspot.com/
Newsletter Area Education Legambiente Lombardia Onlus, from January 2007, are stored on this page .
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