the cry "riprendeteveli, Gypsies are 'and wearing t-shirt with the words "Roma animals," in the municipalities of Pavia crazy protest against the former Snia evicted. The police saved from lynching. The extreme right and the League incite rebellion
Cirvilleri Clelia (Pavia), "John, come on now, there's bad people out there who wants to kill us. You call the police. The children are crying, we so afraid. " He shattered the illusion of the first quiet night for "Roma di Pavia." The call started late in the evening, Wednesday, only hours after the transfer to "safe places" (and carefully kept secret) prepared by the prefect. A reply was John Giovannetti, Pasolini president of the club and especially the guardian angel of these poor people: For months there has been day and night, discussed and mediated. And perhaps, on Wednesday, but he just went home hoping that it was time buona.Non it was: the secret imposed by the authorities could not resist the tom-tom of fear of the gypsy. In the rural areas of Albury, dilapidated barn in the farmyard (without light or water, however) where they had been placed thirty Romanian, John, Councillor Irene Campari (if he is the angel, she is the good fairy of the Roma ) and other willing people who came from Pavia found a bunch of new young force, accompanied by the city authorities and hailed by any citizen. At the same time, the same scene was taking place about twenty miles to the east. In the town of Pieve Porto Morone, Gandini in place, the bishop welcomed in a house he owned the largest group: about forty people, many children, a boy in a wheelchair. Here too, the people, well organized by the junta League, was quick to express their dissent. Volunteers are solicited by the police reinforcements arrived and police, who dispersed the protests and stayed to protect Romanian ospiti.Ma the facts of Wednesday night were only a taste. Yesterday, always Gardina, from the morning, the League has set up a permanent garrison. Recognizable from the classical gazebo, the strategy Po (the one that has proved itself to Opera, where last year they burned the tents of the Civil Protection) does not change: the house does not want them, that if they come back from where I came from. When asked specific questions about the reasons for refusal for people arriving in the municipal area from a few hours the answer is: "The gypsies steal, prostitute themselves, they live behind us, we all have cell phones and the latest model Mercedes' and the usual sample the welcoming of Lombardy-Veneto. The mayors of the municipalities affected by the scourge Roma have established immediate contact: Albury last night for the first summit on Saturday are going to picket the town of Pavia, shouting "riprendeteveli." The awakening to Albury was no longer quiet: many children were unable to sleep, terrified from the noise of the night. They came to visit the doctors, had a high fever. In general you can not say that some mattress thrown on the floor in a former stable and having to depend on for food, drink and wash from the generosity of volunteers, are not temporary conditions of existence. Not to mention the impossibility of going out for supplies, or even to say, to go to work: the seat of the police can not pass anyone, causing large linciaggio.Parole? Journalistic exaggeration? Yesterday afternoon, the arrival of Irene Campari Gardina front of the house, the officers had intervene to contain the citizens who railed against the counselor. Municipality of shit, go to Cuba with your Gypsy "was the most educated comment. While Irene and John entered the house to protect yourself from the moods of the crowd, a very quick look at the square told the people of this northern ex-farmer and ex-friendly: middle-aged man with sweater over her shoulders and red lipstick for broadcasters that tell when, at Christmas, "these here" in-law entered the house and "took away even gifts for his daughters' (apparently they were branded phones, it has been specified). Little girls with glasses mirror sisters style hood a bit 'less talkative, ma pronte ad indossare le belle fasce verdi distribuite dall'organizzatissimo presidio della Lega. Fra i ragazzini (sempre fra i 12 e i 16), alcuni portavano magliette scritte a mano: «Rom=animali»; «Con noi o contro di noi. Meglio un anno da italiani che cento da zingari». Sulle spalle, come decorazione, croci celtiche. E poi c'erano i pensionati, che portavano argomenti politici piĆ¹ articolati: «Se fosse gente che lavora li accoglieremmo a braccia aperte. Ma questi non sono come noi che a quattordici anni ci spaccavamo la schiena, vengono a casa nostra per rubarci tutto e basta».Almeno loro, bisogna dire, cercano di discutere le loro ragioni con gli esponenti politici intervenuti sul posto. Parlano soprattutto con Luciano Muhlbauer, Regional Council of PRC, "because I always see her on television." He tries to explain that people will not be left to themselves, the institutions that will address the integration and management of the problem. "Or at least they should do it," says Alberto Burgio, member PRC, which for a while 'listens but then goes away, looks and says: "Here there has been irresponsible by the addition of center-of Pavia. It opened a space, provided an alibi, it is natural that the right to organize, which fanned the flames of intolerance worse. "The atmosphere is too tense, and the police do not allow the press to enter the house. Barricaded himself inside with the others, Stan speaks on the phone with a despairing voice: "My wife and I can not go to work. My 3 children, 5 and 6 years are very frightened, we can not eat them. I do not understand why we do not want. We do not do anyone any harm. A little while ago, they managed to do around the house and started throwing stones at windows. "
Cirvilleri Clelia (Pavia), "John, come on now, there's bad people out there who wants to kill us. You call the police. The children are crying, we so afraid. " He shattered the illusion of the first quiet night for "Roma di Pavia." The call started late in the evening, Wednesday, only hours after the transfer to "safe places" (and carefully kept secret) prepared by the prefect. A reply was John Giovannetti, Pasolini president of the club and especially the guardian angel of these poor people: For months there has been day and night, discussed and mediated. And perhaps, on Wednesday, but he just went home hoping that it was time buona.Non it was: the secret imposed by the authorities could not resist the tom-tom of fear of the gypsy. In the rural areas of Albury, dilapidated barn in the farmyard (without light or water, however) where they had been placed thirty Romanian, John, Councillor Irene Campari (if he is the angel, she is the good fairy of the Roma ) and other willing people who came from Pavia found a bunch of new young force, accompanied by the city authorities and hailed by any citizen. At the same time, the same scene was taking place about twenty miles to the east. In the town of Pieve Porto Morone, Gandini in place, the bishop welcomed in a house he owned the largest group: about forty people, many children, a boy in a wheelchair. Here too, the people, well organized by the junta League, was quick to express their dissent. Volunteers are solicited by the police reinforcements arrived and police, who dispersed the protests and stayed to protect Romanian ospiti.Ma the facts of Wednesday night were only a taste. Yesterday, always Gardina, from the morning, the League has set up a permanent garrison. Recognizable from the classical gazebo, the strategy Po (the one that has proved itself to Opera, where last year they burned the tents of the Civil Protection) does not change: the house does not want them, that if they come back from where I came from. When asked specific questions about the reasons for refusal for people arriving in the municipal area from a few hours the answer is: "The gypsies steal, prostitute themselves, they live behind us, we all have cell phones and the latest model Mercedes' and the usual sample the welcoming of Lombardy-Veneto. The mayors of the municipalities affected by the scourge Roma have established immediate contact: Albury last night for the first summit on Saturday are going to picket the town of Pavia, shouting "riprendeteveli." The awakening to Albury was no longer quiet: many children were unable to sleep, terrified from the noise of the night. They came to visit the doctors, had a high fever. In general you can not say that some mattress thrown on the floor in a former stable and having to depend on for food, drink and wash from the generosity of volunteers, are not temporary conditions of existence. Not to mention the impossibility of going out for supplies, or even to say, to go to work: the seat of the police can not pass anyone, causing large linciaggio.Parole? Journalistic exaggeration? Yesterday afternoon, the arrival of Irene Campari Gardina front of the house, the officers had intervene to contain the citizens who railed against the counselor. Municipality of shit, go to Cuba with your Gypsy "was the most educated comment. While Irene and John entered the house to protect yourself from the moods of the crowd, a very quick look at the square told the people of this northern ex-farmer and ex-friendly: middle-aged man with sweater over her shoulders and red lipstick for broadcasters that tell when, at Christmas, "these here" in-law entered the house and "took away even gifts for his daughters' (apparently they were branded phones, it has been specified). Little girls with glasses mirror sisters style hood a bit 'less talkative, ma pronte ad indossare le belle fasce verdi distribuite dall'organizzatissimo presidio della Lega. Fra i ragazzini (sempre fra i 12 e i 16), alcuni portavano magliette scritte a mano: «Rom=animali»; «Con noi o contro di noi. Meglio un anno da italiani che cento da zingari». Sulle spalle, come decorazione, croci celtiche. E poi c'erano i pensionati, che portavano argomenti politici piĆ¹ articolati: «Se fosse gente che lavora li accoglieremmo a braccia aperte. Ma questi non sono come noi che a quattordici anni ci spaccavamo la schiena, vengono a casa nostra per rubarci tutto e basta».Almeno loro, bisogna dire, cercano di discutere le loro ragioni con gli esponenti politici intervenuti sul posto. Parlano soprattutto con Luciano Muhlbauer, Regional Council of PRC, "because I always see her on television." He tries to explain that people will not be left to themselves, the institutions that will address the integration and management of the problem. "Or at least they should do it," says Alberto Burgio, member PRC, which for a while 'listens but then goes away, looks and says: "Here there has been irresponsible by the addition of center-of Pavia. It opened a space, provided an alibi, it is natural that the right to organize, which fanned the flames of intolerance worse. "The atmosphere is too tense, and the police do not allow the press to enter the house. Barricaded himself inside with the others, Stan speaks on the phone with a despairing voice: "My wife and I can not go to work. My 3 children, 5 and 6 years are very frightened, we can not eat them. I do not understand why we do not want. We do not do anyone any harm. A little while ago, they managed to do around the house and started throwing stones at windows. "
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