No 5 - May 2007
tel. Association: 02.87386480
School trips in small towns, work to discover their own neighborhood, water / energy / waste, biodiversity ... There are so many issues and initiatives in schools Legambiente door. And there are many schools that want to do an educational process along with Legambiente. Meet me! Legambiente, through clubs and CEA is present throughout the Lombard ... opportunity to meet and do things together. If you are school administrators or teachers can find out the location of the nearest Legambiente in this page , or call the regional office at 02.87386480.
Legambiente Lombardy ANCI Lombardia, Lombardia Uncem, Education Department of the Lombardy Region and the Regional School Office: all together round a table to propose initiatives for schools of small towns. The decision to form a permanent work table, in association with school leaders and teachers of schools of small towns, was taken during the seminar "Small Towns, Big School" which was held during the Fair "My Communities" on 19 April. The discussions and proposals that will be taken during the work will be delivered directly to the Minister of Education.
Create a working group on environmental education, create an 'area education for schools, clubs and members of Legambiente Lombardia, communicate experiences and projects, share reflections. These are the needs that emerged Saturday, April 14 during a meeting between members and trainers Legambiente Lombardia. Need to overcome barriers and division to put in the middle of the action and the choices of Legambiente education. Those who wish to contribute can contact the Association on Environmental Education in Trisoglio Andrea.
ECOLUDOBUS: energy saving in schools
Part of the journey from Rome ' Ecoludobus "Kyoto too, the school climate-friendly" , the Legambiente campaign that promotes and Edison energy saving and clean energy with a call for ideas for institutions scolastici.Il colored van Legambiente along the Peninsula, involving 200 classes between those who have joined the competition on savings and energy efficiency projects.
"With this initiative Legambiente has chosen as its main interlocutors boys to raise new generations about the importance of savings energy and contribute as well, to make them aware and responsible citizens - said Roberto Della Seta, president of Legambiente -. The Ecoludobus is, in fact, not only a valuable opportunity to talk about energy conservation, but also to reflect on whether schools to become models of energy efficiency on the ground ".
During the campaign pitches within dell'Ecoludobus, there will be workshops on energy conservation and recycling, multimedia exhibitions, interactive games and analysis on the energy situation of their schools to highlight waste and understand the possible interventions. The
ecoludobus stop in Milan in the school "Perasso" (May 17) and Cunardo in the province of Varese (Var).
Collect the best practices of education carried out by members and trainers Legambiente circles. Collect them to network and make them known. Collect them and then draw inspiration for projects that will be made in the future. Collect, finally, to report, within the association, competent people to turn to. From this need arises archive good practice, one of the goals it has given the School and Industry Training Legambiente Lombardia. It may send good practices or to guide them: @ scuola.lombardia , or at Legambiente Lombardia, via Vida 7, 20127 Milano (to the attention of the Sector Education and School).
- Waste:
" The unbearable weight of waste " aimed at primary schools. Text created by Legambiente Lombardia in collaboration with the Municipality of Milan and AMSA. (2007)
"The Unbearable weight of waste "for schools secondary schools. text produced by Legambiente Lombardia in collaboration with the Municipality of Milan and AMSA. (2007)
" Waste: a treasure in the bin "- route planning for schools of the Province of Varese, CD ROM edited by Legambiente and the Province of Varese.
" Create ... recycling!" - creative workshop using natural materials recycling - by the Circle and The Colibri Legambiente Lomellina class 2D ISIS Pollini of death - as
2006/2007 - Water:
" Mineral water: It seriously affects the climate and portfolio dossier by Legambiente Lombardia (2007)
- Kyoto and climate change:
" Climate and poverty " pantry organized and carried out by Dr. Sergio Luoni CREA for the Province of Varese with the help of the documentation Legambiente (2006)
" Sustainable mobility and traffic " pantry organized and carried out by Dr. Stefano Marcora for CREA of the Province of Varese with the support of: Work in progress, Nature Trail on mobility and traffic, Legambiente (2006)
" Good Birthday Kyoto presentation made by the Department of School Education and Legambiente Lombardia in some schools of Peschiera Borromeo (2007).
- Places and Landscapes:
" Herbs and flower beds " pantry organized and carried out by Dr. Stefano Marcora for CREA of the Province of Varese with the help of the documentation Legambiente (2006)
" The river Olona: the nature and history " pantry organized and carried out by Dr. Alessandro Mazzucco and dr. Valentina Minazzi ssa. Contributions by: dr. Alessandroni Madron, Dr Arianna Castiglioni, arch. Alberto Minazzi.
"The woods behind the school pantry organized and carried out by Dr. Sergio Luoni CREA for the Province of Varese.
- eco-monsters:
"eco-monsters - The illegal building in Italy" presentation for high school, by dr. Sergio Reedy, National Coordinator of the Legal Action Centers of Legambiente (2007)
- School in Lombardy:
" The school situation in small towns Lombardi by Legambiente Lombardia (2006)
" child Ecosystem 2007" ( can download it here) by Legambiente.
" school Ecosystem 2007" ( can download it here) by Legambiente.
" As children go to school in Milan" ( here you can download the survey ) by Legambiente Legambiente Milan and Lombardy.
We expect your contributions!
The newsletter of the School and Training Sector Environment League of Lombardy, from January 2007 are archived on this page .
Established in 2000 the 'Association Legambiente and Training School, which qualified entity recognized by the MIUR for the training of school staff, wants to enhance an association between education professionals to help improve the school and the country, assuming that the school has a central role in shaping identity and a culture of personal and collective. In addition, the school can act to promote the quality of the territory in a dynamic and dialectical relationship with other social subjects. Legambiente Training School and wants to be a place for meeting, gathering, reflection and exchange of experience and therefore offers its members training in the presence and distance learning, professional and epistemological research, partnerships with other realities, opportunities of political and cultural debate, advice for the construction of national and international educational projects, teaching and information. Become a member of Legambiente and Training School is the best way to contribute to the cultural growth and upgrading of the area schools. You become a member of Legambiente and Training School with the contribution of 35 €
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