Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hanging Wedding Seating Charts

2008 December 22, 2007 December 8, 2007

Citizens of Casoni organize a dinner to be able to exchange greetings of Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

What Is Cervical Mucus Like Just Before Period?

January 2008 December 2007 November 2007


of Legambiente Lombardia ONLUS

n . 12 - December 2007

tel. Association: 02.87386480

Here are some activities that the area of \u200b\u200bEducation is proposing Legambiente Lombardia in schools.

Kuni and harmony of nature - an experience of emotion, poetry and symbols to convey to children the value of natural resources

"Kuni and harmony of nature "is the title of a theatrical experience consists of a show and a workshop with the aim of raising awareness among primary school children on the big issues of consumer awareness of natural resources and the right of all peoples of the world to enjoy . The show starring Kuni, a child of the Neolithic Age, and his village in the middle of a lush forest where men exploiting and wasting natural resources as if they were only "them". When the village is hit by a terrible famine little Kuni, thanks to a fantastic journey of initiation, will be the only one able to bring back the spirits of nature by his people, thus restoring harmony and balance between man and the natural environment.

The game play will involve children directly in the action stage: for small / actors are in fact delivered simple musical instruments, whose sound is reminiscent of water, wind, earth, animals (all the entries of nature). Through the use of these tools, children can Kuni accompanied in his adventure and sensual experience that will involve them deeply, making them feel on an emotional level and not only learning the value of preservation and sharing of resources.

The workshop is conducted following the show will allow children to discover, through simple simulations of common situations in everyday life (use of potable water, electricity, transport, waste production, reuse of materials etc .) what behaviors can be adopted for a specific consumer awareness and sustainable use of natural resources. Finally, you will be given to each class the "Ten Commandments of Kuni" (Ten rules for daily conduct environmentally friendly) along with some food for thought that the teachers will develop later in the lessons.


Four R - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Waste -
ideas competition for school students to address artistic and design of Lombardy. (2007-2009)

The Art School "Caravaggio" in Milan, in collaboration with Legambiente Lombardia School and Education, is organizing a design competition for students of art schools and art schools of the Lombardy Region, which has as its object the creation of works of visual art, design projects and graphic files, or documented environmental situations, representing an original and creative from its ecological and constitute examples can raise awareness of the environment, energy conservation, in particular, referring to the issue of reducing and recycling waste.

Read prebend (PDF)

For further information on how to participate, you can contact the Competition Secretary: e-mail: , or directly to the curator, Professor Margaret Cavallo: tel. 328.48.34.092. The final notice will be sent to all schools and who will request it through the above mentioned references.



The lesson is aimed at elementary school children. The overall objective is to help children to read and interpret the complexity of where they live, through a conceptual reorganization.

In particular, the lesson is to:

a) make children more aware of where they live, its merits and its defects;

b) giving children some pictures and some ideas to express pros and cons of the place where live;

c) give children some ideas to imagine a city suitable for children

d) to lay the foundations for a class action on the reality that around her

" of you know Harry Potter?". A forest of raised hands waving in the classroom. Desire to explain that they have seen the movie, read the books (or if the facts are read by parents or siblings), they even have a video game of Harry Potter, someone's glasses as he or other gadgets. We broke the ice. Harry Potter allows me to Crerar few minutes in a doorway. It 'nice to have books in common, it helps to understand each other!

I used Harry Potter the same way in which Perseus used the shield to kill the Medusa. The myth says that no one could look directly into the eyes of Medusa without being turned to stone, but without looking at how to kill her in the eye? The wily Perseus had a brilliant idea (simple solutions are always brilliant!) Took the shield that Athena had given him and, looking at the reflected image of Medusa on the shield, he kills. Harry Potter was for me as a shield, it is hard to two hours I managed to speak to the complexity of the world around children with a direct approach to the topic.

For info: @ a.trisoglio



The meeting that was held last September at the Regional Congress of Legambiente School and Training has not gone in vain. He left us with many ideas that we try to achieve: need for shared training, creation of a think-regional environmental education ... and so on. A first tool for those making more immediate Legambiente in dealing with these issues is a blog ... What is a blog? It 's a place where in addition to read what we publish, you can publish your ideas. Want to try? Go to



Newsletter Area Education Legambiente Lombardia Onlus, from January 2007, are stored on this page .

* * * *

Legambiente Lombardia is the publisher of this newsletter and owner of the data. The addresses used for sending its contents are intended for informational purposes. To view, change or request deletion of data used by the publisher just send an email with your request addressed to: scuola.lombardia @

Saturday, December 8, 2007

First Time Auditions Arizona


And 'round the law, at least one apparent, in the Farmhouse Gandini Casoni village of Pieve Porto Morone. All
rom parked in the farmhouse of the curia of Lodi have been removed and relocated in other cities in which not even want to know anything.
The problem is not solved but have only moved a few tens of kilometers as well as their conscience no representative institutions have it right. From the Capitals, Pavia Mayor of the Prefect Buffoni, going through all those politicians who have taken positions for or against the Roma in Pieve Porto Morone but that, in fact, have been unable to do anything.
They lost all those who have not been able to do more than issue statements or make any promises. They lost the institutions that will be handling the dissolution Roma families with the knowledge that much then will meet elsewhere. Unique
satisfied that the citizens of Casoni, finally after more than three months, they can return to their lives and leave behind them an experience to forget as soon as possible. Citizens
raped by the state, media, institutions and all those politicians who have abused defamation and denigration in the peaceful protest continued. Even
Minister Ferrero, clearly called for by his re-founding of communist militants Pavia, has spoken with apocalyptic against those twenty, thirty people every day who guarded the entrance to the Gandini. However
is over, Casoni and free. Now we look forward with the knowledge that in Pieve Porto Morone, as it was already in Opera, another Sgarro not be accepted.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Reason 3.0 Sound Bank


We arrived at the December 5 and the three-month maximum duration for the stay granted by the Prefect of the Roma forced to Gandini, are abundantly expired.
We are taking the piss, obviously, but we never tire of repeating that we are determined and we will maintain defense as long as there are people without a job or staying home in our country.
What then do all the propaganda they want, work, home, school ... become suddenly seems all good and we remain Pieve bad. We are tired of being postponed from week to week and read the newspapers, as well as the many lies, false claims of those who then does nothing. By political institutions, each day a different solution, but never made ... just words!

Discoloration On Dogs Lip


Via Gandini by all, even by today's latest family should leave the area will again be part of Casoni.
Now we hope that the Mayor Angelo is Cobianchi active in the curia, the owner of the farm in order to allocate interest to the construction of Pieve and no more than ex-drug addicts, gypsies, and any other kind of risk category.
Casoni has already given a community of former drug addicts for years and now with the gypsies hosted for three months. The next time someone needs to get in Cascina for both the good and the interests of Pieve.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Cheats For Vba Pokemon Silver

December 2, 2007. THE TIME 'EXPIRED!

Now do not want to hear the facts and look bales. Today is December 2, when the maximum stay there had been guaranteed by the Prefecture of Pavia. Gandini return to the Roma settled in Pavia or are reported in Romania since they have not shown in three-month stay in Italy to have the opportunity to maintain. The EU law is clear, three months to demonstrate an ability to work and live in dignity, and although we do not have the exact date of arrival in Italy, but who knows how long they were already in the former Snia in Pavia, we are certain beyond reasonable doubt that there are between three months and Casoni.
The state has put people in a position to be hated by others. Have been conflicting social and political categories dall'incauta policy pursued by the Prefect who represents, exclusively, the long arm of the Roman Padania. Thus were born
friction exists between ordinary citizens and Roma, among people who demand respect for the rules and who as the centers of the crash, between opposing political forces such as Forza Nuova and the Communist PRC, including popular movements like the Northern League and social parasites that exploit the distress of camps for provide their services for well-paid.
is added to all this hatred towards the Curia that hosts, probably well paid, people are forced to stay in Casoni against the wishes of local Catholics.
now expect the judiciary to initiate proceedings against the prefect of Pavia Ferdinando Buffoni for "inciting hatred between the classes implemented in a manner dangerous to public peace."

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mudismo Arte De Modelos Juveniles


Saturday evening showed a hundred people, less than expected, partly because of bad weather, then honor those present. The demonstration was peaceful and orderly as before. In short, all things considered, we can say we met. The hope is that the latter event was the straw that breaks the camel's back, now go away or that the Prefect was shown not to be able to handle a similar situation or send via the Roma because the residents did not protest has stopped even with the cold.
I believe that if our attention was dropped for this blatant injustice, namely the imposition of living with the gypsies, the Gandini have developed into a port of passage for all the gypsies in waiting for a place at the expense of taxpayers and, especially, the local inhabitants, for the happiness of those who manage the facility housing the Roma and derive profit from there on. Now we can do is wait until Dec. 2 to see if they will keep their promises.
Best regards, Diego.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Dark Circles Eyes More Condition_symptoms

100 people demonstrated in PIEVE

ordered last night marched through the parking lot of the GS on the road and the industrial area of \u200b\u200bPorto Morone Pieve a hundred people, thirty of which are part of the party Forza Nuova.
The many citizens, most of the village where the flat Casoni Roma Cascina Gandini, continued their protest with the usual protest outside the temporary home of the nomads.
Only around midnight came the Mayor Angelo Cobianchi area of \u200b\u200bthe Presidio that, rather than bring the solidarity of the first citizen to presidianti, remained secluded in conversation with the police present in large numbers even after the departure of the militants right where it was forbidden to approach the farm along with the residents. On December 2
expire three months that the Prefect had guaranteed would be the maximum time spent in Casoni displaced by the Mayor of Pavia as squatters in the ex snia.
aspects continue our defense, but we are tired of bullying and arrogance of the institutions.
GOVERNOR keep their word and observe the end of December 2nd!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Scanner Could Not Be Initialized G85

November 24 20.30 CONCENTRAM G GS

Citizens are invited to attend the event this evening in Pieve Porto Morone at 20.30 with a concentration in the supermarket parking GS

Halloween Costume Jeff Hardy


The event is perhaps a result of the counter-extremist communist centers Social occupying the House Gandini to dine with the Roma.
a result of this initiative will inhibit the transition zone of the garrison, and the procession will be limited to a few streets. E 'likely to leave the evening and citizenship deserts police and reporters in pots where they can tell the usual stories about alleged acts of intolerance and "pogrom by Nazi Germany."

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Welcome To Church Letter

November 24 Saturday, November 24 EVENT FOR THE LEGALITY 'OPERA

Even with Opera Pieve Saturday night for that show respect for the law in the municipality of Pavia, where the Roma evicted were transferred from the former Snia of Pavia.
We call on all democratic forces occur so that the citizens of Casoni, the population interested in setting up forced to ask in a loud voice that they comply with the laws and is not passed to the principle that the mayor of a big city, with the complicity of the Prefect, to get rid of his illegal camps shipped in small farms that politically they count for little more than nothing.
We will be there and we hope others will join. Saturday 24 at 20.30 in Pieve Porto Morone.
Ettore Fusco, safe operation.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Congratulations Babysample


of Legambiente Lombardia ONLUS

No 11 - November 2007

tel. Association: 02.87386480

TODAY LEARN MORE 'CULTURE AND PARTICIPATION FOR ALL - Second National Congress of School and Training Legambiente

13 and October 14 was held in Spoleto According to the National Congress of Legambiente and Training School. Worth reading the document conventions.

Here you can download the document conference of the Professional Training School and Legambiente .



At the Regional Congress of Legambiente Lombardia , in the days 8 and 9 November at Politecnico di Milano , home Bovisa , will host the exhibition and conference created by Legambiente Edicom Editions. In conjunction with the conference, November 6 to 9 days, you can visit the exhibition focuses on the same issues.

School buildings, through their quality, the materials used, their accessibility, are able to communicate the importance of environmentally responsible choices in construction and are thus becoming an instrument of communication and visibility of public administrations with citizens and future generations.

For Legambiente Lombardia, Damiano Thursday, November 8 there will be Simin and Andrea Trisoglio; Friday, November 9 will be Andrea Poggio.

Download the invitation


ALT TO CLIMATE CHANGE! REDUCE CO2 - Week UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development - from 5 to 11 November 2007

from 5 to 11 November 2007 will host the second edition of the Week Education for Sustainable Development, under the auspices of the Italian National Commission for UNESCO. The dramatic urgency of tackling climate change is now widely perceived, but this awareness is not as yet accompanied by a real change in lifestyles and production systems. The Efforts for the week of November will therefore be designed to develop in individuals and communities, especially in the younger population, operational capabilities and responsible action aimed at reducing harmful emissions.

Here are the steps to be carried out in Lombardy:

  • Legambiente Lombardia Onlus : Press conference and presentation of the "Little Musketeers of the territory" to Lainate (MI) on 11.06.2007 (at 11-13)

  • Club and the City of Bergamo Bassa Arcene : costs of change and initiatives to counter climate (informaztivo meeting at the middle schools and public addressed to the Citizenship Assembly - November 12).

  • Circle Lodiverde in collaboration with ITIS Volta Lodi: We light LABFER , exposure of the laboratory for renewable energy.

  • Legambiente Cinisello Balsamo Onlus : Public Meeting on Climate Change : what are they and what actions put in place to counter (Nov. 8)

  • Legambiente "The Buzzard" in Busselton : halt climate change , a gazebo for inform the Citizenship (November 10).


TREE FESTIVAL - November 21

T adorns the Day Tree and return the children with shovels, rakes and watering cans. Many people and one mission: to make the most beautiful places in which we live ... the gray color of green in our cities. We invite you to be organized on November 21 Tree Day in your schools, we give you a plan for each class of laurel .

MILAN: this year alone in the city of Milan will be 2100 children of schools participating in the initiative, shovels, spades and rakes to revive the backyards and neighborhood parks. Like Trotter to the park each year will be planted a fruit tree.

IN LOMBARDY: up to now have 15 clubs Legambiente who have joined the Tree Festival in collaboration with schools, cultural associations and local authorities.

02/87386480 For more information call us at or write to s.savare @ or campagne.legambiente @


" ADOPT A JOINT LOMBARDO ": a special trip in search of quality 'CULTURE OF 41 SMALL TOWNS LOMBARDI

in schools is beginning to speak of the activities for the next school year. Legambiente Lombardia offers schools to visit ... 40 small towns in Lombardy. For more information please contact Andrea Trisoglio to 02/87386480 or send an email to a.trisoglio @



The meeting that was held last September at the Regional Congress of Legambiente School and Education has not gone in vain. He left us with many ideas that we trying to achieve: the need for shared training, creation of a think-regional environmental education ... and so on. A first tool for those making more immediate Legambiente in dealing with these issues is a blog ... What is a blog? It 's a place where in addition to read what we publish, you can publish your ideas. Want to try? Go to



Collect good practice in education made by the Members and Educators Working Environment League. Collect them to network and make them known. Collect them and then draw inspiration for projects that will be made in the future. Collect, finally, to report, within the association, competent people to turn to. From this need arises archive of best practices , one of the goals it has given the Field School and Training Legambiente Lombardia. It may send good practices or to guide them: scuola.lombardia @ , or at Legambiente Lombardia, Via Mercadante 4, 20124 Milan attention of Andrea Trisoglio.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Multiplayer Cube Field

careful not to give excuses to be persecuted ... but do not be intimidated.
News about here:

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Drinking Initiation Ideas

's story still to come in Pieve Porto Morone. A NEW FORCE OVER AGAIN.

12/10 in Casoni (PV): candlelight vigil organized by Forza Nuova, to express opposition to the presence of gypsies the municipal area. Meeting at 21 in via Badia Pavese, in front of the Church of Casoni with procession to place Gandini.

Friday, October 5, 2007


but when they move elsewhere?

Despite the reassurances of the institutions to the Mayor Pievesi a quick resolution of the Roma issue in Pieve Porto Morone seems nothing budge on the matter that is disrupting the lives of residents in the village Casoni.
Local politicians and party organs that we are following roads institutional meetings with the prefecture and stamped paper. Perhaps the tricolor bands that parade of mayors in the capital as the old farmers who once put the dress on Sunday to go to town do not serve much purpose.
We hope that other men institutions after Fiore of Forza Nuova and Borghezio of the Northern League, has chosen the route of the presence next to the heroic Pieve not give up the defense and fighting day and night to respect the sacrosanct principle of federalism Carlo Cattaneo already motto: "To be free must first be masters in their own house.
A praise goes to Angelo Cobianchi, Mayor of Porto Morone Pieve, the constant presence alongside his fellow citizens. Our invitation to the Mayor, however, is to make its voice heard more. Parish will also be a small town ... but here he manages!

Monday, October 1, 2007

M.s. Symptoms More Condition_symptoms


of Legambiente Lombardia ONLUS

No 10 - October 2007

tel. Association: 02.87386480


L or September 15 in Milan was held an important meeting which was attended by many educators Lombard Legambiente. From there arose proposals outlining choices and operating philosophy of the Area Education for the coming years. We received an unexpected enthusiasm, a desire to get involved, a willingness to "make group" to work better, a need shared quality. We have tried to summarize all this in Congress Document. We stress that this document is a synthesis of work done, but view the work that we do ... A heartfelt thanks to those who attended the meeting, thanks to those who, although unable to attend, asking us to be informed, for the absent ... you will give us a hand!

Trisoglio Andrea and Silvia Savaré

You can download here . Congressional Area Education Legambiente Lombardia




5 to 11 November 2007

From 5 to 11 November this year will be held again this year Week of Education for Sustainable Development promoted and coordinated by UNESCO and the UN " UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development " DESD (2005-2014). This year, the week includes initiatives to raise awareness on climate change and CO2 reduction.

week, UNESCO will be an opportunity to organize awareness raising among citizens - young and old - and to give another push to make concrete the good intentions of the National Conference on Climate Change.

1) There are our Environmental Education Center equipped as demonstration center for the use of renewable energy . Since CEA Rispescia (Ar) which is also the National Centre for the promotion of renewable energy sources, but also, for example, the CEA Green School of Isola del Gran Sasso (Te), who became demonstration center last year and the CEA, "Power" of Santa Maria della Versa (PV) A house "real" where lives a family with all the precautions legambientina sustainable energy which carries out environmental education.

If you are interested in learning more, you can contact them directly, their contact details can be found on the site section Tourism Educational - Cea list.

2) On the website of Legambiente find links to access our site dedicated to renewable energy, there is also a bit 'of ideas about what you can do to save energy with your local government. In particular, see the following websites: - site Ecosportello Energy Environment League in Milan. - site of the Centre for Renewable Energy Environment League. - Legambiente site with many tips for saving energy in our homes and beyond.

3) On the website of Legambiente school ( ) also found the educational process "Kyoto I and campaign information, "forget-me" (School buildings).

For more information on the visit , and Legambiente, contact Constance Fiorelli - Field School 06.86268348



On November 21, returns to the Festival of the Tree. This year, the initiative aims to inform and raise awareness on the issues of climate change and possible measures to counter them from concrete actions. At that time we will launch an ambitious challenge: the ' operation of 1,000,000 trees to Kyoto . The Day Tree will end with moments of games to emphasize the importance of the involvement of the smaller environmental issues through play and fun. The "Festival of the Tree" is a campaign of Legambiente that most players can make children, but not all. The day dedicated to "greening" of the gray city involving thousands of citizens participating in numerous events organized by various clubs Legambiente, from the Swan bands, or directly from the schools. Plantings are planned, meetings, tours, excursions throughout Lombardy. We invite you to be organized on November 21 of the Tree in the streets, in parks, gardens of the schools in your city ... Kyoto to make closer to us.

If you want to join us at or call us at 02/87386480 s.savare @




science and technology, in their substantial differences in purpose and in their methods but also inextricably intertwined, living the paradoxical fate of being while part of the problem and necessarily indispensable part of any future solution possible. They require new instruments of government and policy at the international level, but most require that it be shared, understood, discussed and enhanced through new forms of democratic participation in scientific knowledge. The global challenges in which science is called upon to contribute are increasingly being put into stereotypical caricature of ideological contrasts that do not help to understand the full dimensions and facets of the problems. On the other hand, is felt ever more thoroughly the conditioning of economic and financial interests on the search for strategies that will improving equity and reducing inequalities across the planet fierce. The need for a true democracy of knowledge can then bind to the need for a return to the primacy of politics, of the proposal, the vision of the future. The House of Culture in Milan, in collaboration with Legambiente, hopes to provide a laboratory for discussion and anticipation of the Festival of Science in Rome, elaborating and discussing the most sensitive and controversial issues: poverty, hunger, overpopulation, wars for resources primary as water, the search for appropriate sources of energy for sustainable development, industrial pollution, global warming, nuclear proliferation war, opportunities and risks of biotech foods, the growing extinction of biological and cultural diversity of the planet.

Here you can learn more about the individual events of the sow Part of the problem or the solution?

Tuesday, October 2 at 21:00
Environmentalism and science: a marriage possible or necessary? The case of global warming .
Maurizio Maugeri, Vittorio Cogliati Dezza, Duccio Bianchi, Telmo Pievani

Tuesday, October 9 at 21:00
GMO hunger. Solution or threat?
Defez Roberto, Claudia Sorlini, Rina Guadagnini, Marco Cattaneo
Tuesday October 16 at 21:00
Water. The future is blue but not for all
Pietro Laureano, Giulio Conte, Damiano Simin, Ferruccio Hair

Tuesday, October 23 at 21:00
What energies for the post-oil?
Ugo Bardi, Nicola Armani, Gianni Silvestrini, Andrea Poggio
Meetings will take place in the House of Culture in Milan, in Burgundy 3 (MM 1 San Babila)


go to school. Backpackers and AUTO ... IN GARAGE. GOOD PRACTICES IN LONDON

The data published by Transport for London (TfL) show that although the plans have significantly reduced traffic journeys to school, half of the cars circulating in the hour of points are still those of mothers or fathers who accompany their children to school. More than 1,600 (53% of the total) schools in London have a traffic plan, and by 2009 - as stated by Mayor Ken Livingstone - and each will receive their support in the study of practical solutions to relieve congestion on the comings and goings self, improving road safety, the availability of funds for parks and bike paths, in the provision of sustainable mobility patterns. The results of the first 300 schools that have implemented a traffic plan in the capital showed a reduction in traffic of about 7%, corresponding to 1200 in fewer trips. When all schools will be to 4.5 million scheme will be well taken in the car avoided. The options are the most varied: from car sharing, car sharing about cost-effective for the city, the so-called "walking bus", a bus of children on foot accompanied by a "driver" adult, complete with itinerary , timetables, stops and set the controller. The benefits of such solutions are not few: less pollution, greater safety for students, reducing emissions (the last year, a cut of 1,150 t CO2) emissions and fuel consumption, lower costs for families, moving on foot or Cycling, more opportunities for socialization ... less stressed parents snorting waiting at traffic lights thinking about a new excuse to justify the delay with the boss!


" ADOPTING A COMMON LOMB: DO": a special trip in search of quality 'CULTURE OF 41 SMALL TOWNS LOMBARDI

in schools is beginning to speak of the activities for the next school year. Legambiente Lombardia offers schools to visit ... 40 small towns in Lombardy. Surfing the internet you can learn more about the project ... just turn the bow of the your mouse here .



Collect the best practices of education carried out by members and trainers Legambiente circles. Collect them to network and make them known. Collect them and then draw inspiration for projects that will be made in the future. Collect, finally, to report, within the association, competent persons to turn to. From this need arises archive of best practices , one of the goals it has given the Field School and Training Legambiente Lombardia. It may send good practices or to guide them: scuola.lombardia @ , or at Legambiente Lombardia, Via Mercadante 4, 20124 Milan all ' Andrea Trisoglio attention.

We expect your contributions!

District Brain Hemorrhage

NOW "ACCOUNTS" go back to ... site by Pasolini.

who daily deals with providing assistance and guarantee fundamental rights for Roma citizens who are still in a state of uneasiness and insecurity, and that meets or continuity in the headquarters of Caritas Prefecture, decided, following the donation of Roberto Malini , to open a bank account where citizens can contribute to that too few are doing. The CC will be opened by Caritas of Pavia. As soon as possible provide the details for the payments. I remember that three families are still in church, one in Cascina De Mens, another dwelling in a tent near Pavia, and others have to leave their temporary dwellings and reception soon. The few volunteers are bending over backwards to search for homes and work, and put these European citizens in the position to meet the requirements that the law requires that 30 have to avoid the endless appeals and removals at the Court. Also, before you find a stable arrangement and before the children can enjoy the full rights to education and peaceful. At this stage then becomes necessary to the contribution of all those who believe that, after the big event, you will need to show concrete support to continue. (Ic)

Friday, September 21, 2007

Cancer Sympathy Quotes


Parish, September 22, 2007.
excellent public response last night in Pieve Porto Morone where Verdi and Opera Volunteers Safe helped keep alive the protest Citizens tired of the harassment and violence suffered by the institutions and the media. The MEP Mario Borghezio opened the evening, after having presided over by the Pieve, giving full support to the people of the garrison that has faced such an emergency. The decisions from nobody likes much less in an area of \u200b\u200bfifty souls who found herself one morning with fifty-four Roma as neighbors. The Honourable promised a mobilization of the organizational machine of the Northern League to finance works in the home of the curia, which now houses the nomads in order to transform it into something useful to people, a nursing home, a youth center, what the Mayor Angelo Cobianchi deems most useful to his people. The Mayor has earned the praise of Borghezio because unlike others, such as that of Opera, has sided with the citizens against the tyranny of the institutions.
On this same line of action Ettore Fusco, safe operation, which called for the constant presence to guard, not so much to demonstrate against the guests of the curia as to give a strong signal to institutions that have crossed the line. It is unacceptable that the Mayor's largest themselves with the help of the Prefect of the small towns of the hinterland.
Finally, the presidiante Opera accompanied by a dozen other operesi, has rubbished criticized the press that defames the Pieve inventing all of Pavia and the Prefect who has made a mockery of Pavia hosting a Roma family with an operation of pure demagoguery. The Prefect in fact this family has hosted in the guesthouse of the Prefecture. Not at home. So the load of the Prefect of the guests is solely and exclusively on the shoulders of taxpayers. The evening closed
has run ahead to television commitments dell'Europarlamentare while other citizens were to guard through the night.
(Image: a snapshot of the speech of Hon. Borghezio between safe operation and Angelo Fusco Cobianchi Mayor Parish. 2 Pieve listening intently. 3 Some protesters of the Northern League.)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Salieri Streaming Free


THE DAY OF THE PIG (Borghezio) in Pieve.
Published September 20, 2007 in Pavia and environs , Anti-racism and immigration.
Last winter, the City Opera, just outside Milan, he ate something disturbing. A group of angry citizens to the temporary presence of some Roma families and skillfully exploited by members of extreme right-wing Northern League and, before he set fire to the tents of civil protection, then sustained a long siege at the camp and, finally, managed to win. In other words, the institutions and the civilization gave up and the hatred and professionals xenophobia encased in a political victory with impunity than ever before. to warnings that the affair was not a parenthesis, but actually in danger of becoming a model to emulate, were accused of scaremongering, if not openly ridiculed. Yet, after only six months, the seeds of fatal fire in Opera is bearing poisonous fruit, from what is happening in the province of Pavia, in particular in Pieve Porto Morone. And if anyone still had doubts, here comes the formal seal today, the Committee "Work Safe", a creature of the most reactionary sectors of the League, announced that next Friday come to church, carrying the usual racist term full, ie Borghezio, evidently anxious to regain visibility after the launch of the pig to-day work of Calderoli.
now the few remaining Roma in Pieve, including many children, have become cannon fodder in the fierce competition between the neo-fascist and xenophobic Northern League. And so a few days after the parade of shaven heads of Forza Nuova, the league raised the hard way. The mayor-sheriff of Pavia can be proud of her own work!
We firmly believe that the measure is filled permanently and can not be tolerated a second operation. It is not a matter which concerns only the left or some "sociologist of begging." No, primarily concerns the creation and maintenance the fabric of democracy.
's why we ask the decision makers at all levels, to finally put a brake and put an end to tolerance. A speech is incazzatura of citizens, even if it leads to reactionary hysteria, another is the increasing activities of organized neo-fascist and racist.
Nationals democratic and anti-Lombard ask you to do their part and participate in the mobilization of Pavia associations are preparing for September 29.
Luciano Muhlbauer Regional Councillor PRC-SE (Communist Refoundation)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I Catcher Web Monster

Pieve Porto Morone: FRIDAY 'September 21.

Friday at 21.00 arrives support Volunteers Green and Mr Mario Borghezio to presidianti Gandini in the village of Pieve Porto Morone Casoni.
The MEP will lead to presidianti who spend day and night at the gate of the house of the curia, which houses the camp of Roma, their solidarity and encouragement in the difficult to resist the unjust fight for security in their country. Unjust because safety should be guaranteed by the state and not captured by personal sacrifices made by people who work and pay taxes to this government that increasingly resembles a tyranny.
The appointment is then scheduled for Friday, September 21 with the presidium of the Green Volunteers dell'Europarlamentare and intervention of the Northern League for the Independence of Padania Hon Mario Borghezio.
participate in numerous and spread this news.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Computer Hutch Blueprint


Casoni, September 18, 2007
Tonight a couple of Roma fleeing the countryside town of Gandini have inflamed the minds of residents who patrol their territory in order to protect the rule of law. Shortly before midnight a man of dark complexion, probably nomadic, was seen fumbling near the parked cars and flee, realizing that he was surprised, in a field of Melica. Citizens are invited to the fugitive out of the field and tried to help him find the way out without getting lost in the campaign. With the help of powerful torches and patrol the area have tried to make it easier to return to his home, but the host, preferred the opposite side disappear and then be reviewed through the fields in front of the house of the Curia Travellers evicted from home to Pavia. There is no certainty that the same person was spotted as he moved gingerly between some cars in front of an elegant country that borders the country, it is certain that this night owl wheat fields was able to disappear among the crops ready to be dried reap. Meanwhile, another patrol came in place of the police officers who do not could do more than take note of the situation and reinforce the garrison of the armed forces are still too small to un'insediamento of families dedicated to agriculture that are not going to have to live with dozens of Roma, who, being too far from other towns , gravitation necessarily in the territory of Pieve Porto Morone and in particular Casoni.

Used Kitchenaid For Sale

UNDER NEW ATTACK 10 Roma children in Pavia.

Saturday, September 15, 2007
There was even the national secretary, the infamous Nazi parasite in the demonstration organized by Roberto Fiore Forza Nuova at the gates of the Diocesan Center of Pieve Porto Morone (near Pavia) and two week has a group of Roma evicted from the former Snia. The Roma were 48, there are only 17 (seven adults and ten children). Others have accepted the € 1300 offered by Caritas to return to Romania. The seventeen live imprisoned. In addition to the night launch of bricks and firecrackers at the windows, are now being terrorized by the owner of the adjoining field, which for days sitting under an umbrella with a shotgun in his hand, and on occasion threatens to cut his throat by an unmistakable gesture with his hand . Adults can not go to work, children can not attend school were enrolled in institutions of Pavia, but is 25 kilometers. And last night they had to endure yet another manifestation xenophobic. If there was a sense of honor in the old fascist gangs - some idea of \u200b\u200bthe fight, risk of challenge, maybe the machismo - that sense of honor Forza Nuova has finally lost in this small rural village of Pavia. Three hundred boys and muscular rapati surrounding a house threatening women and children: I wonder if the Prince Borghese and his X-Mas would have approved of the raid as a coward ...
I wonder, and do not blame the comrades of the province of Pavia, but let this happen without blinking, without moving leaf? Comrades, el'antifascismo? It is more militant, has become inconvenient? This is done only in fine threads between the four walls of reassuring circles? No you take it mates, but around here would not have happened, not so "undisturbed".
Ps: Roberto Fiore is one of the owners of the travel agency "Easy London". To boycott, sabotage, destroy.
Taken from one of the many sites communists. MASTERS of demagoguery!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Power Rangers Fanfiction


gypsy Events organized by their communist captors where you try to leak through the spontaneity of the protests blunders. Strange because they speak Italian and still pretty good, as would a child of six years to write a signboard have the ability to ask how to spell a phrase so important that it be brought to a parade before going to work with the pen. This is the world left, based on lies and deceit of every action that exudes expediency in favor of the myriad of associations, cooperatives and trade unions on behalf of a voluntary social work, carried out only in words, survives another's state of degradation and difficulties. The disorder and the deterioration of the camps is necessary to replace the poverty of the ancient proletariat who lived a condition of poverty well below the standard of living of the bourgeoisie. Now that the middle class is impoverished and working-class families are having fewer children, with both spouses working family incomes rise, it is coming to a single social class midbass. Immigrants are therefore the only resource for those living behind the poverty and needs of manpower for events, jobs and social unrest organized. In all this, however a minimum of intellectual honesty you have to keep it: let alone God, you eater, also exploited the Roma but ridicolizzatevi with phrases like "God is with the poor" in the mouths of those who crippled their children, forcing them to beg, mistreats his wife and lives in the degradation becomes blasphemy.

Friday, September 14, 2007

A. D. H. D. More Condition_symptoms


The last one is the Prefect of Pavia, which is home to a Roma family to tear the tears so generously, Unlike the boorish behavior of these crude, racist farmers who are low to help the peasants as the Northern League politicians who administer and live in the area. The Prefect has moved when we read that housed the family of immigrants and, in our ignorance, engage the curiosity: who knows where they sleep, as you are settled, if they eat together, if their children play with their children if the Prefect go to shopping with the wife of government officials. Questions lawful for us peasants who read little, and organize and principals "pogrom of Nazi Germany" as you said, even the companion Ferrero Minister of the Republic. Admiration for the goodness of the Prefect But we went to the anger of taking the piss when a journalist who has studied told us that the Roma family is housed in the guesthouse of the prefecture, not at the house of the Prefect. What a disappointment! Another person, who did not prepare like us to reap the corn, he managed to make us understand that the Prefecture and his guest are even our own. Yes, the state and stuff, so if we're not just completely stupid, ours. So let's understand a little ... rom this blessed family hosts the Prefect of Pavia, or those farmers who do not want the Roma in the courtyard of his home?