Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Plattwood Park, Deep River, Ct


The group "The Coppula" will take us to the discovery of Taranto, which was a disease caused by the bite of the tarantula (Lycosa tarentula), manifested primarily during the summer months (the period of harvest) and that caused a state of malaise - abdominal pain, state of catalepsy, sweating, palpitations - in which music, dance and color the cornerstones of therapy that was, in fact, in a musical exorcism , dance and color.

The Waning

The group "The Waning" is composed of six musicians and four dancers
, their repertoire includes
all the music of Salento, the
pinches the tarantata, from sword dance
finishing in Salento folk song.


The Bua stem from the experience the more traditional musical culture of Salento. Were formed between the rounds of the historic Feast of San Rocco in Torrepaduli, traveling in the nights of singing Santu Lazzaru , in the typical parties in curti made of wine, entries explained and Inaccessible tambourines. Here are the components together, children from various countries around the Salento (from Casarano to Collepasso, by Racal to grice Sternatia), with a shared awareness of their heritage feel of folk music, learned directly to their homes, with great passion play, to pass it and publicize it.


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