of Legambiente Lombardia ONLUS
No 16 - April 2008
tel. Association: 02.87386480
blog: http://legambientelombardiaeducazione.blogspot.com/
presented the results of Ecosystem School 2008 "annual report on construction and educational services to Legambiente Mantua and Monza in the first places in the standings
Only 31% of the schools of Milan and holds a certificate of viability in 54% of the students studying in old buildings because they are made between 1900 and 1974. They are some of the data emerging from the report "School Ecosystem 2008", the annual research carried out at the provincial capitals of Legambiente province of Italians who, through a questionnaire, providing information on the quality of the structures of schooling. Under the lens of the dossier also high schools under the jurisdiction of the Italian Provinces. The survey Legambiente processed the data provided by 94 local authorities (who have expertise on primary schools) and 51 provincial (who have expertise on Higher). The data cover three main parameters: the quality of the structure of buildings in terms of age and fitness activities at school, the services and good environmental practices and, finally, the environmental risks they are exposed to the buildings.
In Sydney this year are 913 schools that responded to the questionnaire Legambiente, three times last year, providing a complex picture about the conditions in which schools Lombard: worrying fact is that only 18% of schools is in possession of a certificate fire prevention, but it is also positive in the last 5 years 32% of the buildings have enjoyed maintenance. With the data received from institutions Legambiente school has also drawn up a national ranking of compulsory education, according to the quality of school, in tenth place in which to find the Lombardy Mantova with a score of 70.85, followed by Monza (68.61) to Bergamo and twelfth place (64.9) in the fifteenth, only 55th Milan scores a score of 26.71.
" The state school building facing the Italian and Lombard is worrying - declares Andrea Trisoglio, responsible Area Education Legambiente Lombardia -. If you read such as data relating to certificates of viability is poor institutions' attention to the world of school. On the contrary we believe that making school buildings more beautiful, healthy and environmentally sustainable, is a way to invest in our future and demonstrate that they have at heart the young generation. "
D the framework of Lombardy, which this year takes into account a school population of 148,262 people, including emerging signs of commitment and improvement: in fact growing practices environmentally friendly, especially with regard to the collection, investment in alternative energy sources and food organic. 83 In fact, 59% of buildings using renewable energy-efficient lighting (even if only 0.68% in using renewable energy sources). The paper remains the material more differentiated (80.93%), followed by plastics (60.31%), and toner cartridges (47.08%), then glass and batteries (42.41%), and the staff (39.69%). In school canteens Lombard finally eat organic in 86% of institutions.
" heritage school building is the container of an important part of life for millions of Lombard, students, teachers and workers - concludes Damiano Simin, President Legambiente Lombardia - but the performance of these buildings, first regarding energy consumption related to climate, are generally poor. Tackling climate change also begins dall'involucro within which life takes place at school, and the implications in terms of quality of teaching and education that may not be significant: we invest in these buildings to make credible challenge energy efficiency throughout the community " .
You can download a PDF version of ' Ecosportello School 2008 here.
April 21: THE POLYTECHNIC MILAN, a conference on construction SCHOOL
some time in the Italian school you encounter difficulties in managing the built heritage.
These conditions are reflected in the pursuit of educational purposes, causing inconvenience to the users (teachers, students, staff), increase the problems and difficulties in the management, determine overload and difficulties for the government, with consequent waste of resources.
Today, this situation adversely affects educational action, however, we are creating the regulatory conditions and availability of information (Population of school), which could facilitate the initiation of changes in the practice of heritage management.
In this context, the Politecnico di Milano (Department BEST), which for several years leading research experience in the management of the built and intervention strategies for school buildings, aims to promote various activities aimed at defining areas for improvement and operational tools. These actions, pursued only through the active involvement of various stakeholders, resulting in a series of initiatives to be undertaken in 2008. Legambiente also attending the conference and work tables.
For info: a.trisoglio @ legambiente.org
IN VIEW of the school year 2008/2009
Legambiene Lombardia offers many new features for the next school year:
Guardians of Territory : 12 circles Legambiente will activate on the field to practical actions on energy, waste, water, land use and biodiversity;
The school adopts a common - Adopt a City Lombardo : proposals for school trips (really educational!) For schools: to discover the knowledge, tastes and traditions of small communities with the help of local people (especially children). You can learn more about the project and the municipalities that joined the site http://adottauncomunelombardo.ilcannocchiale.it/
declination in schools of all levels of the national campaign STOP THE FEVER , you can learn more about the project on the site http://www.stopthefever.org/
realization of training sessions for teachers and clubs that make Legambiente environmental education in schools;
Eco activities of circles : via blog http://legambientelombardiaeducazione.blogspot.com/
this newsletter and Legambiente Lombardia aims to promote environmental education proposals that the various local clubs are Legambiente schools. So: send us your contributions!
The meeting that was held last September at the Regional Congress of Legambiente School and Training has not gone in vain. He left us with many ideas that we seek to achieve: the need for shared training, creation of a think-regional environmental education ... and so on. A first tool for those making more immediate Legambiente in dealing with these issues is a blog ... What is a blog? It 's a place where in addition to read what we publish, you can publish your ideas. Want to try? Go to http://legambientelombardiaeducazione.blogspot.com/
Collect the best practices of education carried out by members and trainers Legambiente circles. Collect them to network and make them known. Collect them and then draw inspiration for projects that will be made in the future. Collect, finally, to report, within the association, competent people to turn to. From this need arises archive of best practices , one of the goals it has given the Field School and Training Legambiente Lombardia. It may send good practices or to guide them: scuola.lombardia @ legambiente.org , or at Legambiente Lombardia, Via Mercadante 4, 20124 Milan all ' Andrea Trisoglio attention.