Monday, January 14, 2008
Monday, January 7, 2008
Jcb 532-120 Telehandler
of Legambiente Lombardia ONLUS
No 13 - January 2008
tel. Association: 02.87386480
The mandate of the professional association Legambiente School and Education
The birth of the professional association Legambiente Training School, sponsored by Legambiente in 2000 by collecting all of the assets built over a decade in the school sector , has presented a major challenge: that of wanting to associate teachers, educators of the EAA, leaders of the bands of the swan and trainers who share the passion and the reasons they believe environmental education and a powerful lever for spreading knowledge, culture, awareness, participation in society for a sustainable and environmentally socially equitable.
As was the case with other policies and sectors of Legambiente, even in education, we tried to exit the niche, build political alliances and cultural challenges of larger pigs, such as not only take hold of education environment but also to the entire system of education. The possibility, in fact, to have access to a quality public education is not only one of the most important civil rights, but also affects the possibility that environmental issues become established in culture, politics, professions, pointing out that one of the main enemies of the battles environmentalist is just "ignorance", meaning a lack of languages \u200b\u200band tools to understand and transform reality, becoming aware and active citizens.
For these reasons, Legambiente and Training School, on the occasion of its 2nd national congress, held in Spoleto in 'October 2007, has identified three broad avenues of work, to be based at the national level and in the territories:
act professionally, culturally and politically in the field of education, in the system and in the territories, to help qualify him, taking the view environmentalist;
be associated tool to raise awareness, to count, organize the participation of the people working in this field: teachers, educators, entertainers, trainers
qualify the proposals and the educational and training Legambiente in school, in the territories, in the professions.
To join Legambiente School and Education here .
Dezza Vittorio Cogliati is the new president of Legambiente.
Vittorio Cogliati Dezza was born in Rome in 1951, has two children and is happily and secularly partner for 22 years.
degree in philosophy at the University La Sapienza of Rome, by a vote of 110/110 cum laude. He came to environmental issues through the passion for the mountains and education. By the end of the seventies had contributed to the establishment of the Mountain Cooperative, which took care of the educational programs at the National Park of Abruzzo.
has taught Italian and History in technical, today is a teacher of History and Philosophy at a high school in Rome.
In 1986 he began working with New Ecology, for which treatment categories, services and publications on subjects such as education and training in the environmental field. In 1987, together with the group Legambiente of Padua, which then opens the boot to the "League for the Environment activities for the school with the Conference" Eyes on the green school ", founded by Lucio Pass Area School Legambiente , which he headed until 2000 when it transformed the association of professional teachers and educators Legambiente and Training School, where he was President until now. In this role he is committed to the cultural and political battle against the Moratti reform and the defense of public schools.
Since 2003 he has been coordinator of knowledge for the National Secretariat of Legambiente and head of the Scientific Committee, which goes towards an in-depth reflection on the role of science in our society.
E 'author of "A world all attacked" (F. Angeli, Milan, 1993), which still remains a point of reference for the culture and methodology of environmental education in Italy .
E 'author of "environmental education" in the Dictionary, published by Environment UTET in 1995.
Wrote numerous essays on the role of education and science - and science education - today, he has been training and has participated in numerous national and international conferences. He has participated in research at national and international environmental education and education for active citizenship (Isfol 90, SELLS 91, IEA - Civic Education 1996; ENSI 99).
E 'was the only environmentalist called to join the Committee of Wise Men appointed by the Minister Berlinguer for "discussion of the fundamental knowledge on which it is based learning for young people in the Italian school in the coming decades" ( 1997). Then was a member of the Commission appointed by the Minister for De Mauro reordering of cycles, in which coordinated the group on the local curriculum and the curriculum of the sciences (2000/2001).
E 'was a member of the Interministerial Technical Committee for the implementation of the Program Agreement between the Ministries of Education and the Environment in environmental education from 1996 to 2001, in which role he designed and built the conference in Fiuggi in 1997 and the First National Conference on Environmental Education held in Genoa in April 2000.
has worked with the Encyclopedia Treccani the drafting of some items of the chapter devoted to environmental and man - environment relationship to The Encyclopedia of Children. E 'scientific advisor to the Superintendent of Education of the Autonomous Province of Bolzano for the teaching of science, for whom he edited "The challenge of science, to be citizens of the twenty-first century" (Karnac Books, 2007).
Rank Ecosystem Child 2008
" We need more political commitment for kids: you can do more
The Milan can and must do more to the younger ones: this is the core of ten years of investigations by Legambiente on the ability of Italian cities to adopt policies aimed at under 14. E 'was presented on January 4 in Rome, in fact, the survey Ecosystem Child 2008 , the annual ranking of the Italian cities that highlights good and bad policies aimed at younger and symbolically giving candy to the most deserving and coal to the most negligent. New this year is represented by the ranking of the last decade that focuses on the best and worst of the last decade. 2008 Lombardy survey certainly does not shine in the top rankings, to find it the first city in Lombardy must scroll down to seventeenth place that belongs to Cremona (l 'years 15th last year). " The photograph taken by Child Ecosystem is significant - says Andrea Trisoglio , Area Coordinator Education - in Lombardy, the better we can do more to build, with children, a city their size. The point is this: to make the children of the protagonists of change where they live. Impossible? Absolutely not. Is already happening in small towns with the initiative "Adopt a common" and other initiatives involving children and their families. Now we must do even in the city, from the suburbs. "
" A city that knows how to be fit for children - concludes Damiano Simin , President Legambiente Lombardia - is even a better city for adults because it addresses the issues of livability that are discriminatory, since the space to devote to socializing to get to the traffic and the allocation of green space. "
You can download the Press Release Legambiente Lombardia ( link )
You can download Dossier 2008 National Child Ecosystem ( pdf )
Here are some activities that the area of \u200b\u200bEducation is proposing Legambiente Lombardia in schools.
The unsustainable weight WASTE
Through a classical lecture will treat the environmental and economic aspects of the waste problem starting from the knowledge of each student. It is better to define the meaning of the words: Reuse and Recycling. Will be discussed and analyzed traditional means of disposal the most modern methods to "revive" the waste. Finally, to realize how precious material ends up in the trash can you simulate a "typical situation" (return from the shopping center, the fruit and vegetable market, etc ...) where students interpret their own staging sort of "advertisement" in favor of recycling.
Intervention classes aimed at primary and secondary schools. Length of lesson: approximately 2 hours.
For info: a.trisoglio @
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School Web Environment is a project aimed at secondary school classes of grades.
The Consortium of Used Oils (COOU) and Legambiente is to provide classes in secondary schools of first instance of a website. The goal is to provide a tool for teachers and students, modern and effective, to give visibility to projects on environmental issues such as the relationship between engine and the environment and the life cycle of materials.
adhering to the "School Web Environment each class will have its own custom web pages. The site will also be a useful tool to investigate some tematche using educational strategies focused on the use of new technologies. A unique opportunity to motivate the kids, feed their curiosity and excitement of learning by doing , the learning by doing.
For information and subscriptions:
Legambiente School and Education
Tel 06-86268373
scuola.formazione @
Following the vision of "Here comes the band!" (Short film played entirely by kids with different abilities, in which touch on issues of social, environmental and redevelopment of the area), students will be taken through the technique of brainstorming to express their opinion on traffic, transport and mobility in their municipality. Particular emphasis will be given to the problem of architectural barriers and the environmentally friendly transport people and others, such as the transport path. Mobility as a component of freedom, knowledge, work, but also because of the traffic, pollution and loss of spaces.
Brainstorming: group creativity technique to bring out ideas aimed at solving a problem. The main result of a brainstorming session can be a complete solution of the problem, a list of ideas for an approach to a solution later, or a list of ideas that turn in writing a work program to find a solution later.
For info: a.trisoglio @
Kuni and harmony of nature - an experience of emotion, poetry and symbols to convey to children the value of natural resources
"Kuni and harmony of nature "is the title of a theatrical experience consists of a show and a workshop with the aim of raising awareness among primary school children on the big issues of consumer awareness of natural resources and the right of all peoples of the world to enjoy. The game play will involve children directly in the action stage: for small / actors are in fact delivered simple musical instruments, whose sound is reminiscent of water, wind, earth, animals (all the voices of nature). Through the use of these tools, children can accompany Kuni in his adventure and sensual experience that will involve them deeply, making them feel on an emotional level and not only learning the value of preservation and sharing of resources.
The workshop follows the show will allow children to discover, through simple simulations of common situations in everyday life (use of potable water, electricity, transport, waste production, reuse of materials etc .) what behaviors can be adopted for a specific consumer awareness and sustainable use of natural resources. Finally, you will be given to each class the "Ten Commandments of Kuni" (ten rules for daily conduct environmentally friendly) along with some food for thought that the teachers will develop later during school hours.
For info: a.trisoglio @
Quattrorose - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Waste - ideas competition for students
of schools to address artistic and design of Lombardy (2007-2009)
The Art School "Caravaggio" in Milan, Lombardy, in collaboration with Legambiente and Training School, announces a contest ideas for students of art schools and art schools of the Lombardy Region, which has as its object the creation of works of visual art, design projects and graphic files, or documented environmental conditions, which represent an original and creative ecological and constitute examples for raising awareness to the environment, saving energy, in particular, referring to the issue of reducing and recycling waste.
Read prebend ( )
For further information on how to participate, you can contact the Competition Secretary: e-mail: , or directly to the curator, Professor Margaret Cavallo: tel. 328.48.34.092. The final notice will be sent to all schools and who will request it through the above mentioned references.
The lesson is aimed at elementary school children. The overall objective is to help children to read and interpret the complexity of where they live, through a conceptual reorganization. In particular, the lesson is to:
a) make children more aware of where they live, its merits and its defects;
b) giving children some pictures and some ideas to express pros and cons of where they live;
c) give children some ideas to imagine a city suitable for children
d) set the stage for a speech class on the reality that is around
" of you know Harry Potter?". A forest of raised hands waving in the classroom. Desire to explain that they have seen the movie, read the books (or if the facts are read by parents or siblings), they even have a video game of Harry Potter, someone's glasses as he or other gadgets. We broke the ice. Harry Potter I Crerar in a few minutes allows an access road. It 'nice to have books in common, it helps to understand each other!
I used Harry Potter the same way in which Perseus used the shield to kill the Medusa. The myth says that no one could look directly into the eyes of Medusa without being turned to stone, but without looking at how to kill her in the eye? The wily Perseus had a brilliant idea (simple solutions are always brilliant!) Took the shield that Athena had given him and, looking at the reflected image of Medusa on the shield, he kills. Harry Potter was for me the shield is hard in two hours I managed to speak to the complexity the world around children with a direct approach to the topic.
For info: a.trisoglio @
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Proposal interactive environmental education given to schools according to the first grade: The VIDEO L-VOCABULARY ENVIRONMENTAL
Largo creativity of the boys! Express their environmental knowledge through the Web and L 'AUDIOVISUAL, with the creation of short films theme that we plan to disclose beyond the school systems, through festivals, screenings, web TV, Television, etc..
WORDS FOR THE WORLD is an innovative project born from the Legambiente Lombardia Onlus with the production company Lux Film (production house specializing exclusively in the development of content related to environmental issues). It starts with some key words environmentalism (eg, water, energy, tree, sun, sea, wind, life, life cycle etc.) sticks around them and the creativity of children, who espirmerenna through modern means of communication.
Legambiente Lombardia Onlus will provide students the training in the environmental and Film Lux will provide knowledge in the audio visual industry by also making available new blog / forum dedicated to your portal to enable continual creating content on-line.
For info: a.trisoglio @
The children of elementary and middle schools are introduced into the complex world of water through a mixed route (previously agreed with him or her teachers) created by PowerPoint slides and small experiments. The topics, as mentioned, can vary and be detailed as needed. Legambiente proposed at the end of the reflections of environmental importance of working together to save water with tips and games.
possible topics: Presentation of water, water and life, water cycle, water resource limited forms of water, purified water Polluted water ; water craft, water and energy, water furious, tap water / bottled water; Best practices for water
The explanations are interspersed with small experiments (natural filter, acid rain, as it produces electricity, etc ...)
For info: l.baio @
L 'meeting that was held last September at the Regional Congress of Legambiente School and Training has not gone in vain. He left us with many ideas that we seek to achieve: the need for shared training, creation of a think-regional environmental education ... and so on. A first tool for those making more immediate Legambiente in dealing with these issues is a blog ... What is a blog? It 's a place where in addition to read what we publish, you can publish your ideas. Want to try? Go to